Tuesday, August 10, 2010


A Computer Based Online Test for Admission to Integrated First Degree programmes of BITS, Pilani,  2010-11 

BITSAT Online Tests
Admissions to Integrated first degree programmes, at Pilani campus, Goa campus and Hyderabad Campus for I Semester 2010-11 will be made through a computer based online test conducted by BITS. This test is referred to as ' BITS Admission Test', in short as BITSAT.

BITSAT 2010 Important Dates

Deadline to apply for BITSAT-2010                                :        30th January 2010
Test center allotment and announcement to candidates    :        by 15th February 2010
Candidates to reserve Test dates                                     :       18th Feb. – 10th March 2010
Candidates to download the Hall tickets with instructions   :        10th April – 30th April 2010
BITSAT 2010 Online tests                                                :        10th May – 10th June 2010
Candidates to apply for admission with 12th marks and
preferences to Degree programmes                                 :        20th May – 30th June 2010
Admit List and Wait List announcement  (BITSAT 2010 Result Date) :        1st July 2010

1. Integrated First Degree Programmes to which admissions will be made on the basis of BITSAT-2010:
1.      Integrated First Degree Programmes to which admissions will be made on the basis of BITSAT-2010:
(i)     at BITS, Pilani – Pilani Campus:
B.E.(Hons.): Chemical, Civil, Computer Science, Electrical and Electronics, Electronics & Instrumentation, Mechanical, Manufacturing . 
M.Sc.(Hons.): Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Economics, Mathematics, Physics and
M.Sc.(Tech.):  General Studies, Finance, Information Systems.
(ii)    at BITS, Pilani – Goa Campus:
B.E.(Hons.): Chemical, Computer Science, Electrical and Electronics, Electronics & Instrumentation,  Mechanical.
M.Sc.(Hons.): Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Economics, Mathematics, Physics. and
M.Sc.(Tech.): Information Systems.
        (iii)    at BITS, Pilani – Hyderabad Campus :
B.E.(Hons.): Chemical, Civil, Computer Science, Electronics & Communication, Electrical and Electronics, Mechanical.
M.Sc.(Hons.): Biological Sciences, Chemistry; Economics, Mathematics, Physics and
M.Sc.(Tech.): Information Systems.

Note: All students admitted to M.Sc(Hons.) programmes are given an option to work for a second degree for one of the B.E. (Hons.)/B.Pharm.(Hons.) programmes under the dual degree scheme, assignment being made by competition on their performance at BITS at the end of first year, separately in Pilani, Goa and Hyderabad campuses. Under this scheme, a student normally requires five years to complete both the degrees and is awarded both the degrees, namely M.Sc.(Hons.) and B.E.(Hons.)/B.Pharm.(Hons.)

2.        BITSAT Eligibility:

For admission to any of the above Integrated First Degree Programmes, candidates should have passed the 12th examination of 10+2 system from a recognized Central or State board or its equivalent with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. Further the candidate should have obtained a minimum of aggregate 80% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics subjects in 12th examination, with at least 60% marks in each of the Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics subjects and should have adequate proficiency in English.

Students who are appearing for 12th examination in 2010 or who have passed 12th Examination in 2009 only are eligible to appear in the BITSAT-2010 test. If a candidate has taken more than one attempt in 12th class or its equivalent, only his latest performance is considered, provided this attempt has been for the full component of subjects/courses prescribed. Students who have passed 12th examination in 2008 or earlier are NOT eligible to appear in BITSAT-2010. Students who are presently studying in BITS at any of its campuses are not eligible to appear in BITSAT-2010

Admissions will be made purely on merit. The merit position of the candidate for admission will be based on the score obtained by the candidate in the BITSAT-2010. However, their eligibility for admission is subject to fulfilling the requirement of minimum marks in 12th examination, as mentioned above.                                                                                           
Direct Admission to Board Toppers:
In the past, admission process of the Institute always ensured guaranteed admission to all the students who obtained first ranks in their respective board examinations. This has given a very vital input of highly meritorious students from all over India. First rank students of all the central and state boards in India for the year 2010 will be given direct admission to the program of their choice, irrespective of their BITSAT-2010 score as per the eligibility criteria mentioned above. Further details about this scheme will be available at BITS website by 20th May, 2010.

3.         BITSAT Test Details

Computer Based Online test’ means the candidate sits in front of a computer and the questions are presented on the computer monitor and the candidate answers the questions on the computer through the use of keyboard or mouse. Each computer is connected to a server, which prepares the question set and delivers it to the candidate on the computer. This is unlike the traditional paper-pencil based test, which is generally offered on a single day to all candidates. BITSAT-2010 will be offered over a period of time and the candidate can choose the Center, the Day and Time of his/her convenience to take the test, as described in the later sections.

BITSAT-2010 Test Format

BITSAT-2010 will be of total 3-hour duration (without break). The test consists of four parts:
         Part I                 :        Physics
         Part II       :        Chemistry
         Part III      :        (a) English Proficiency and           (b) Logical Reasoning
         Part IV      :        Mathematics
All questions are of objective type (multiple choice questions); each question with choice of four answers, only one being correct choice. Each correct answer fetches 3 marks, while each incorrect answer has a penalty of 1 mark.  No marks are awarded for not attempted questions. While the candidate can skip a question, the computer will not allow the candidate to choose more than one option as correct answer.
There will be 150 questions in all. The number of questions in each part is as follows:
No of questions
Part I Physics
Part II Chemistry
Part III (a) English Proficiency
(b) Logical Reasoning
Part IV Mathematics
There is no time limit for individual parts of the test. The candidate can go back and change any of his/her answers among the 150 questions.

If a candidate answers all the 150 questions (without skipping any question), the candidate will have an option of attempting 12 (twelve) extra questions, if there is still time left. These extra questions will be from Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics only; four questions from each part.  Further, once the candidate has opted for extra questions, he cannot go back for correction of any of the earlier answered 150 questions.

The questions are so designed that a good student will be able to answer 150 questions in 180 minutes. The extra questions (a maximum of 12) will give a chance to highly meritorious candidates to score higher. However, candidates should keep in mind the fact that there is negative marking for wrong answers and any attempt to answer the questions by pure guessing of the answers is not likely to have any advantage, but may result in a reduction in the total score.
The questions will be selected at random from a large question bank. Different candidates will get different question sets. An expert committee will ensure that the question sets are of comparable difficulty level, content, question type etc. In this matter, the decision of the expert committee will be final and binding on the candidate.
All the questions and instructions of the test will be in English only. Candidates should bring a pen for the purpose of rough work, signing etc. Blank sheets for rough work will be provided, if required. Calculators and logarithmic tables are not allowed in the test centers. Candidates are not allowed to bring any other personal belongings such as mobiles.

Each candidate who registers for BITSAT-2010 will be instructed to download a ‘Hall Ticket’. Candidates with the hall ticket only will be allowed inside the Test centers. All centers are closely monitored for security and candidates’ identity and activities will be recorded using web cameras and/or closed circuit TV cameras. Anyone violating the rules of the test center will not be allowed to continue with the test and will automatically be disqualified.

BITSAT 2010 Syllabus:

The BITSAT-2010 test will be conducted on the basis of NCERT syllabus for 11th and 12th class. The detailed syllabus is given in the Annexure. Candidates may refer to the NCERT text books for the contents. A sample test will be made available to the registered candidates at the BITS website on which he/she can practice as many times as desired.   BITSAT 2010 Syllabus

How to Apply for BITSAT 2010

Interested candidates should register their names for BITSAT-2010 by applying in the prescribed application form online.  Complete the application form Online at http://www.bitsadmission.com and take the print out of the filled form. The completed application form alongwith the prescribed fees of Rs. 1000/- (Rs. 500/- for female candidates) should be sent to Admissions Officer, BITS, Pilani – 333 031. Details for payment of fees are available at the website while applying online.

Special provision for Female candidates: The BITSAT application fee for female candidates is Rs. 500/- only instead of Rs. 1000/-. Further, the Institute will try its best to accommodate all female candidates at their first preference of test centers.

Application form can also be obtained by post from the Admissions Office, BITS, Pilani by sending a request on plain paper giving the candidate’s name  and gender with complete postal address, accompanied by a crossed demand draft for Rs. 1100/- (Rs. 600/- for Female candidates). This amount includes the prescribed fees and Rs. 100/- towards postal and handling charges. The form will be sent by Speed Post / Registered Post. Requests by post will be accepted only till 21st January 2010. Demand drafts should be drawn in favour of ‘Birla Institute of Technology & Science’ payable at State Bank of India, Pilani (code: 11309) Or State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur, Pilani (Code: 10398) or UCO Bank, Vidya Vihar, Pilani (Code: 0150) Or ICICI Bank, Jhunjhunu (Code: 0799)

Deadline to apply for BITSAT-2010 by submitting the completed form to the Admissions Office, BITS Pilani  is 5.00 PM on 30th January 2010.

Those who register for the test and reserve test dates have to download the ‘Hall ticket’, alongwith instructions, from BITS website as per the schedule given earlier. The tests will be conducted during        10th May – 10th June 2010.

Procedure for Applying for admission:

In addition to applying for and appearing in BITSAT-2010, candidates have to also apply for admission to BITS giving details of their 12th marks and preferences to different degree programmes offered. The prescribed application form for admission, the detailed application procedure and the final list of Degree programmes offered will be available at the BITS website, by 20th May 2010. The completed form with the required application fee has to be submitted so as to reach the under-mentioned on or before 5.00 PM on 30th January 2010.

Completed application forms for BITSAT-2010 and for admission are to be sent by registered post/speedpost or personally submitted to the under-mentioned so as to reach him before the announced deadlines:
The Admissions Officer,
Pilani – 333 031

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