Saturday, August 14, 2010

WBJEE 2010

                                             WB-JEM 2010 NOTIFICATION  

AQ-13/1, SECTOR – V, SALT LAKE CITY, KOLKATA – 700 091. 


Applications are invited from Indian Citizens for admission to undergraduate courses in Engineering/Technology/ Medical/Dental and Pharmacy  in Universities/Colleges in West Bengal and B. Arch Course in Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur and  Jadavpur University for the academic session 2009-2010, on the basis of a JOINT ENTRANCE EXAMINATION, to be conducted by the "WEST BENGAL JOINT ENTRANCE  EXAMINATIONS BOARD". Detailed  information  will be available in the Information  Brochure which will be served along with Application Form and in  the websites: and
Scheme of Examination:

Availability of Courses for admission through “JEM-2010” Subjects to be appeared - JEM-2010 Type of form 
be applied
Engineering & Technology / B.Arch. / Dairy Technology / Agricultural Engineering / Pharmacy
Mathematics, Physics & Chemistry.
Medical / Dental / Pharmacy
Biological Sciences, Physics & Chemistry
Engineering & Technology / B. Arch. / Dairy Technology / Agricultural Engineering / Pharmacy / Medical / Dental
Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biological Sciences

WBJEE 2010 Important Dates - Schedule of Examination (JEM-2010)

 Date of Examination
9.30 a.m. to
11.30 a.m.  
12.30 p.m. to
2.30 p.m.
     3.30 p.m. to
5.30 p.m.
(100 marks)
Physics (50 marks)  & Chemistry (50 marks)  
Biological Sciences 
(100 marks)
1. Sale of Application Kit ( from listed UBI Branches) : 18.11.2009 to 31.12.2009
2. Last date for (a) Receipt of request for Application Kit “by post” : 08.12.2009
(b) Receipt of duly filled in applications “by Speed post” only : 12.01.2010
Eligibility Criteria : The applicant must be a citizen of India and should have passed the H.S.(10+2) or its equivalent examination. The general candidates must have to secure at least 50.00% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or Biology taken together (40.00% for SC/ST candidates) and at least 30.00% marks in English (for all categories). In addition, candidates must secure at least pass marks in the subjects individually including vernacular (or any other fifth subject) as mentioned below:
B.E/B.Tech./B.Arch :Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, English and vernacular or any other fifth subject.

M.B.B.S/B.D.S. : Physics, Chemistry, Biology, English and vernacular or any other fifth subject.
PHARMACY: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics or Biology, English and vernacular or any other fifth subject.
For MBBS and BDS courses : In addition to the aforesaid eligibility criteria, the general candidates must have to secure at least 50.00% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biological Sciences taken together (40.00% for SC/ST) in the Joint Entrance Examination, W.B. Candidates appearing in the qualifying examination in 2010 will be allowed to sit for JEM-2010 provisionally and their admission, if merit listed, will be subjected to satisfying the minimum requirements of eligibility as specified above.
Age Restriction:Candidates must be 17 (seventeen) years of age or above as on 31.12.2010. There is no upper age limit except for the Marine Engineering course for which the upper age limit is 25 years as on 31.07.2010.

Residential Requirements: Candidates desirous of seeking admission to Government Engineering / Technology Colleges, Govt. Medical and Dental Colleges as well as to Private Medical and Dental Colleges, must have been residing in the State of West Bengal continuously at least for last 10 (ten) years as on 31.12.2009 or their parents must be permanent resident of West Bengal having their permanent home addresses in the State of West Bengal.

Reservation :Reservation for SC/ST/PC candidates are as per  State Govt. Rules.
Examination Centre: To be located in the State of West Bengal and Tripura.
Cost of Application Form : The Application Kit (i.e., prescribed printed application form along with Information Brochure and a printed envelope) will be available from different Branches of United Bank of India (as specified below) on payment of Rs.500/- (for E / M type Form) and Rs.600/- for C type Form in cash .

Sale of Application form : The Application Kit will be available from 18.11.2009 to 31.12.2009 at the following Branches of UNITED BANK OF INDIA : Old Court House St., College St, Sealdah, Hatibagan, Jadavpur, Behala, Mayukh Bhawan – Salt Lake,       BESU Shibpur, Asansol, Durgapur City Centre, Burdwan (Main Branch), Katwa (Station Rd.),  Serampore, Chinsurah,  Arambag, Kalyani, Krishnagar, Barasat, Diamond Harbour, Kolaghat, Haldia, Kharagpur, Suri, Bolpur, Bankura, Purulia, Berhampur, Raiganj, Balurghat, Malda, Siliguri, Darjeeling  (25, H.D. Lama Rd.) Jalpaiguri, Coochbehar, Agartala (Tripura)   on all working days between banking hours on  payment of requisite fee.  

The Application Kit may also be obtained by Post from the Board’s Office on application with an additional fee of Rs.100/- (Rupees one hundred) only. The total amount (i.e., cost of application form plus Rs.100/-) has to be paid by Demand Draft drawn in favour of “WEST BENGAL JOINT ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS BOARD” payable at Howrah/Kolkata. The last date for request for application-kit by post is 08.12.2009 and the last date for receipt of completed application form by Speed Post only is 12.01.2010. Request for application form received beyond the stipulated date as mentioned above will not be entertained and the Board shall not be held responsible in any manner whatsoever for such non-receipt arising out of postal delay. The Application Kit may also be obtained from the Board’s Office only with payment of late fee of Rs. 100/- (Rupees one hundred only) in addition to the actual cost of the form. The whole amount is to be paid through a Bank Draft to be drawn in favour of “West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board” payable at Kolkata / Howrah from 01.01.2010 to 07.01.2010.  The application form once purchased cannot be returned or replaced.         
How to Apply : The duly filled in  application form must be sent in the  printed  envelope received by the candidate within the Application Kit  by SPEED POST only  so as to reach the office of the Board by 12.01.2010. Submission of Application Form by hand or courier service will not be accepted. 




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